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Closing Tracker Title tool

Our Verified Seller service provides agents with valuable information and provides your client with peace of mind.


Build lists of properties in any zip code that meet specific requirements as well as generate full property reports on any property in the US. Contact us with the button below to setup an account.

Closing Tracker Title tool

Communication is essential during the closing process. With Millennial Tracker, we proactively communicate with our clients so they know what’s where they are in the closing process. Texts and email messages are sent to the lenders, agents, buyers and sellers so all parties involved are receiving progress updates in real time.

ZOCCAM streamlines the home buying experience by enabling the parties to securely send funds & documents, as well as authenticate the borrower’s identity.

Title capture title tool

Generate quick closing quotes including closing fees, commissions, payoffs, and all other items.

Title tools title pro 247

Build lists of properties in any zip code that meet specific requirements as well as generate full property reports on any property in the US. Contact us with the button below to setup an account.

Closing Tracker Title tool

Communication is essential during the closing process. With Closing Tracker, we proactively communicate with our clients so they know what’s happened, what is happening and what will happen next with their closing. Texts and email messages are sent to the lenders, agents, buyers and sellers so all parties involved in the closing are receiving progress updates in real time.

Title tools title pro 247

ZOCCAM streamlines the home buying experience by enabling the parties to securely send funds & documents, as well as authenticate the borrower’s identity.

Title tools title pro 247

Our Verified Seller service provides agents with valuable information and provides your client with peace of mind.

What is Title Insurance?

Title insurance is an insurance policy that covers past issues on the property that may arise after closing. While other insurance policies cover the present and future, a title insurance policy is protecting you from the past and any issues that the previous owner may have left behind. Some title defects may include liens, easements, and encumbrances. Millennial Title does perform title searches before closing and will resolve any problems that arise in the process. There are two types of title insurance:

Owner’s Title Insurance

An owner’s policy is used to protect yourself as the buyer of the property. Owner’s policy titles will protect you from ownership issues and cover any fees associated with title issues.

Lender’s Title Insurance

The lender’s policy is the title insurance policy required by lending institutions to protect them as long as they have interest in the property or when your mortgage is paid off.

Closing Process

When it comes to closing on your new home, Millennial Title is here to make the experience even more memorable. Our process is simple and our knowledgeable team will be with you every step of the way.

Signing the Real Estate Contract

Once you reach an agreement with the seller, you will sign a contract. This will begin the closing process. Once the contract is signed, it will be delivered to the closing agent, usually with the deposit in hand as well.

Title Order 

Once the paperwork is received, the escrow agent will open a title order and begin processing your tax information, loan payoffs, homeowner fees and other insurances. The agent will then request legal paperwork and order a title search on the property. 

Examination of Title 

A property’s title is public record and will include deeds, mortgages, liens and other documents that affect the title on the property. Any issues that we find during the examination will be determined including confirmation of the legal owner and any debts. Once the title search is complete, we will prepare a report of our findings and send to the buyer and other interested parties.

Preparing Documents

The closing agent will prepare the necessary documents for closing including your lender’s instructions, legal documents, loan paperwork and assembles the charges. Once this is all prepared, the closing will be scheduled.

Completing the Transaction

Our agent and attorney will oversee the closing and will instruct what paperwork will be signed by which party. This will also be where the payment will occur.

After your Closing

After signing all of the necessary paperwork, our agent will forward the documents and tie up loose ends including sending the title insurance policy to the buyer and lender. Our team will tie up any loose ends while you celebrate closing on your new home.

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